Anywayyyyy, check out this video, watch it, love it, learn it. That's right I said LEARN IT because guess what! I can now say that I can officially SING the SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS song! Really I can! Ok, ok, I'll tell you how I learnt it but first watch the video:
So I was in my bed falling off to sleep, (after having seen Mary Poppins the Musical that evening) when I decided that in that night I WOULD FULLY LEARN THE SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS song. No biggie. It's not like I've learnt the whole dance or anything.. (..yet) So I kept repeating in my head, S-U-P-E-R.. then I followed it with C-A-L-I-F-R-A-G-I-L-I-S-T-I-C... etc and so on and so forth until I realised "HOLY CRAP - I HAVE JUST LEARNT TO SING THE AMAZINGLY AWESOME SONG FROM MARY POPPINS AAAAAHHHH!!" and I did it half asleep! Ok now remember, I've pretty much just explained a really cool episode in my musical theatre life in a few sentences. So I'm guessing you probably aren't in a state of shock and awe like I want you to be. So I will help you along. Watch this FUNNY FUNNY clip and whatever facial expression you have on after, that is how I want you to feel :) ahh, the handiness of youtube...
So I'm hoping you have a somewhat entertained look on your face. Fine that's good enough for me. This is how I felt after I realised that I was awesome. (Yes I am modest). Let me remind you that I was also half asleep so everything seemed even better than it was k? Cool, so you get the picture. Mary Poppins is AWESOME!! And so am I.
Ok, I'm going to level with you. I may have exaggerated this a touch. Don't get me wrong, I really did teach myself to sing and say that word really fast, but I didn't really learn the whole song. I figured if I could say/sing SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS, then there was no need to go back and learn the rest of it. I had achieved the very-hard-to-achievable. My work was done. And also, I fell asleep coz I was really tired so... and when I woke up I didn't have the motivation that 'half-asleepness' has so yeah...
anyway, the point of this particular post was not only to express the brilliance of Mary Poppins and musical theatre as a whole, but also to share my story with YOU. If you are reading, that is. If anybody is reading actually? We do have readers right?
PrincessG signing off.
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